Tuesday 12 July 2011

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Final Artwork


Just finsihed final artwork on Snow White a few days ago. Here are some of my faves, quite a few more than Goldilocks. Despite losing sleep and avoiding social contact I feel quite happy now. I can get back to a more healthier routine and get more active! I should be enjoying yoga tomorrow with Jen's mum. I miss yoga. Oh, and hopefully going to the Isle of Wight for roughly a week at the end of this month, can't wait to look at the stars.



Celine Choo said...

These are so beautiful Akbar! I love all the details and patterns you do! wicked!

Nina Jørgensen said...

Amazing!!! love the last one especially!! What are they made with?!

Akbar Ali said...

Hi Choo I love your stuff! Oh and Nina, these are pencil drawings I develop on Photoshop I find that using scraps of textures and pattern adds another layer to flat colour.